About Me and This Blog

Me and the girls

Me and the girls (2013)

Most (if not everyone) reading this blog should know me already.  As you all know, I am not the most exciting person in the history of the world but I can be hysterically funny.  Well, at least I think that I have a good sense of humor.

Anyway, I decided to start this blog as an extension to all this other social media stuff.  I find Facebook to be a bit tedious and stressful sometimes.  People often take stuff WAY too seriously …  When researching “how to start a blog”, the consensus was to write about your passion.  That of course has changed over the years – in the 4th grade it was Duran Duran, when Bryan and I bought our first home several years ago it was gardening, now that I have kids, well, you guessed it – Kids and Husband!  SO, the blog is intended to be a diary of sorts to keep those of you interested in my daily passion – my little family – up to date on the latest goings on…

My blog is not Google indexed to limit nut job traffic to a public site.  I have a link to this site from my facebook account, which is set to private.  I think that some of my FB friends might find my blog interesting.  If  any of my former teachers read this and find glaring grammatical errors, whoops I am sorry!  I am old and a little behind on the latest on-line etiquette, but I will do my Girl Scout best to be courteous. If I mention you in a blog or share a picture that has your image and you want the content removed, just let me know.   I promise not to be mad – again, I try not to take the internet too seriously…

UPDATE (2015)! – we recently welcomed little Miriam Aoife into the family!  I love the name Miriam.  Bryan thinks that he is Irish and wanted to give the baby an Irish name, so that’s how we derived the name Aoife.





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